Effects of Fathers’ Level of Education on their Children's English Reading Performance


  • Dr. Sajad Ahmad Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab Pakistan
  • Dr. Fouzia Ajmal Assistant Professor, Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Hafeez MPhil Scholar, Department of Education, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan.


English, Reading, Punjab, Illiterate, Education


The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of father’s education level on their children’s English reading performance at the primary level. We collected data from 436 students of grade five from schools in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Student’s reading achievement was compared with four levels of their fathers’ education (Illiterate, Primary, secondary & post-secondary/tertiary). English reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary were assessed by applying a reading scale. One-way ANOVA and t-test were applied for calculating results from the data. The results indicated that the post-secondary or tertiary level of fathers’ education has a significant effect on the English reading performance of their children. The children of illiterate fathers got the lowest score as compared to the children of primary education fathers. It was noted that the higher the level of fathers’ education the greater would be their children’s English reading performance. The gender-wise comparison showed that fathers’ education was positively correlated with their girls’ children's English reading performance. The reading scores of the daughters of educated fathers were better than the reading scores of boys students of fathers’ possessing the same level of education.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sajad Ahmad, Dr. Fouzia Ajmal, & Muhammad Hafeez. (2023). Effects of Fathers’ Level of Education on their Children’s English Reading Performance. Archives of Educational Studies (ARES), 3(1), 79–96. Retrieved from http://ares.pk/ojs/index.php/ares/article/view/52