Item Analysis of Tool used for Examining the Effectiveness of E-modules for Academic Performance of 7th Grade Students
Item Analysis, Multiple Choice Items (MCQs), Difficulty Index (Diff. I), Discrimination Index (D I), Distractor effectiveness (DE)Abstract
The main objective of this research study was to conduct analysis of test items for measuring quantitative characteristics (difficulty level, distractor efficiency & discrimination index) of research tool developed from the four units of general science of seventh (7th) class to be used as a test/tool for the research on “examining the effectiveness of e-modules for academic performance of students studying in 7th grade”. Tool was developed from the prescribed course of 7th class general science (Chemistry section). Data was collected from 240 students of 7th class. Researchers followed the procedure used by (Qamar, Kanwal & Nadeem, 2022). Items were analyzed for finding difficult level, discrimination index and distractor efficiency. Based on findings two test items (17 & 18) were eliminated & five (were revised because they have very small value of Diff. I (<29) and five test items (2, 17, 21, 22, 23) were revised due to less discrimination index. Thirteen distractors were revised and improved. As a result of item analysis five test items were eliminated & eleven items were refined and retained for data collection. Overall twenty five items could be used for data collection.
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