Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Elementary School Students’ Achievement in the Subject of English


  • Bazgha Saleem Khan Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Email: bazghamoinqazi.phd@gmail.com
  • Dr. Romena Ali Visiting Lecturer, University of Education, Multan Campus, Pakistan. Email: rominaali0900@gmail.com
  • Dr. Vagiha Naz Lecturer in Education, Govt. Zainab Associate College, Multan, Pakistan. Email: wajeehanaz79@gmail.com


Cooperative Learning , Students Achievements, STAD Model, English Achievement Test, Elementary level


The present study investigated the effects of the STAD model of cooperative learning (CL) on the achievement of students in the subject of English at the level of elementary. Thirty (30) subjects were selected as the treatment group (experimental group) and another Thirty (30) subjects belonged to the control group (traditional group) for carrying out this study. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS 22 version (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) where the mean score of both the pretest and the posttest was calculated. The effect of the STAD model / technique was compared with the gain score of the control (traditional group), as an experiment. Amidst the data analysis, an independent sample t-test was applied and then the effect of the treatment group was calculated. Significant difference was seen between the scores of the control group and treatment group.


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How to Cite

Bazgha Saleem Khan, Dr. Romena Ali, & Dr. Vagiha Naz. (2023). Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Elementary School Students’ Achievement in the Subject of English. Archives of Educational Studies (ARES), 2(2), 165–183. Retrieved from https://ares.pk/ojs/index.php/ares/article/view/32