Comparative Analysis of Educational Needs and Residential Care Services for the Destitute Children in Private and Public Welfare Homes Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


  • Muhammad Zahir MPhil Scholar, Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Email:
  • Shakeel Ahmad Chairman Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Email:
  • Nargis Abbas Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Pakistan. Email:


Mixed-Method, Social Protection, Destitute children, Public, Private, Residential care, Educational services


In Pakistan, deficient literature on residential care and educational services for destitute children raises concerns because child social protection is mostly ensured by families, and in the absence of families, these are provided by either public or private organizations. The objective of the study was to compare public and private residential care and educational services for destitute children in residential care homes. The symmetry of residential care services with indigenous familial services was analysed by using a convergent mixed-method research approach The Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire from 274 children and qualitative data interviews were conducted with 5 staff members of the residential care institutes in Peshawar, Pakistan. The study found that public and private residential services are unique. Also, the service provided in the residential care institute was rated similar by children to their home setting, but staff members describe it as high quality. Hence, it was concluded that public and private organizations were providing similar kinds of services which were symmetrical to poor families' provisions. A more holistic comparison of different types of residential care with indigenous familial services may provide more insight into the problem..


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How to Cite

Muhammad Zahir, Shakeel Ahmad, & Nargis Abbas. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Educational Needs and Residential Care Services for the Destitute Children in Private and Public Welfare Homes Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Archives of Educational Studies (ARES), 2(2), 144–164. Retrieved from