Does Persuasive Mapping Enhance Organizational Based Self-Esteem among University Students: Evidence from China’s Higher Education
Persuasive Mapping, , Organizational-Based Self-Esteem, , Path-Goal Theory, China, , Higher Education, UniversityAbstract
Although several studies have sought to explore the causes of self-esteem, few have attempted to investigate the relationship between Persuasive Mapping (PM) and Organizational-Based Self-Esteem (OBSE). By drawing on the Path-Goal Theory, the current study attempted to empirically examine and investigate whether PM can enhance OBSE among university students in the eastern region of China. The research method used to carry out the current study was a cross-sectional design. Data were collected from 89 students in three universities in the eastern region of China from July to October 30, 2023. The method used to carry out the current study was a survey, which included questions about the PM and OBSE scales. Contrary to the researcher's expectation, PM did not significantly enhance OBSE, β= - .01, t(87) = -0.08, p = .94. The current study may be crucial in laying a foundation for recognizing how PM impacts OBSE. This made the present study a significant preliminary effort to ascertain how PM affected OBSE among university students in the eastern region of China.
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