Exploring Headteachers’ Leadership Practices in Resolving Conflicts Among School Actors: A Case Study of Rurally Located Nigerian Primary School


  • Damilola Gbemisola Onaolapo PhD scholar, University of the Free State, School of Education Studies South Africa
  • Sekitla Daniel Makhasane Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, School of Education Studies, South Africa
  • Akinlolu Ademola Onaolapo PhD Scholar, University of the Free State, , School of Education Studies, South Africa


Communication flow, power-rated issues, primary schools, leadership, teachers, headteachers


The effectiveness of primary schools is determined by the efficacy of administrative techniques implemented by headteachers leadership strategies. Primary school academic achievement had been hampered by power struggles between headteachers and teachers. This has resultant effect on the global and national goals and objectives of primary education across the world, according to observations as a teacher, and as well as literatures. The study contributed to knowledge, theory and practice in primary education and proferring suggestible solutions to the challenges facing education development at the rural setting.


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How to Cite

Damilola Gbemisola Onaolapo, Sekitla Daniel Makhasane, & Akinlolu Ademola Onaolapo. (2022). Exploring Headteachers’ Leadership Practices in Resolving Conflicts Among School Actors: A Case Study of Rurally Located Nigerian Primary School. Archives of Educational Studies (ARES), 1(1), 51–67. Retrieved from https://ares.pk/ojs/index.php/ares/article/view/12