Rethinking the Function of Quality Education towards Societal Transformation and Sustainable Development in African States
Physiological Needs;, Sustainable Development;, Societal Transformation;, Quality Education;, Public Administration;Abstract
Education in African states like Nigeria is supposed to be a tool for societal transformation cum sustainable development. Regrettably, Nigeria still struggles with projecting appropriate ways of making learning attractive for the enhancement of societal transformation and sustainable development. While focusing on rethinking the function of quality education in Nigeria’s 21st-century societal transformation and sustainable development as well as the problems preventing quality education from engendering societal transformation and sustainable development of Nigeria; the researchers equally explored applicable remedies to the incongruous issues bedeviling the education sector in Nigeria’s quest for societal transformation cum sustainable development from qualitative research method. The study revealed that the function of quality education in societal transformation and sustainable development is normative and formative. It advocated that societal transformation and sustainable development through quality education in Nigeria must focus on addressing the following core values: physiological, self-esteem, freedom, cum safety. Conclusively, quality education will truly become the road map to societal transformation and sustainable development when the values of life sustenance, self-esteem, freedom, and safety as well other appropriate government agencies are used to fight against the hindrances in the internal and external environment of Nigeria’s education policies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Stephen Chinedu Chioke, Dr. Ikechukwu Ogeze Ukeje, Kingsley Uchenna MBAMALU, Donald Chinedu ORANEKWU

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