Academic Stress and Self-Harming Behavior among School Children: A Cross-Sectional and Correlational Study
Perceived Parenting, Academic Stress , Deliberate Self harmAbstract
The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between academic stress and self-harming behavior among school children. A sample size of 800 school children was recruited for this purpose while keeping the number of private and government students constant. Parental practices comprised of nurturance, guidance, control and permissiveness. The correlational analyses indicated a positive relationship between academic stress and self-harming behavior. Apart from this, one-way analyses and independent sample t-tests also generated comparisons of academic stress and self-harming behavior with other demographic variables. The study has implications for school administration, parents and mental health professionals for providing adequate counseling and therapeutic strategies for combating this prevalent phenomenon. This study calls for attention to the stigma surrounding deliberate self-harm and the lack of avenues available for students to turn to for help.
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